The Death of my Father

Today I saw the death of my father
His withered corpse covered in rouge
His paper-thin eyelids closed in peace
After long years of fruitless struggle
After two decades of endless sacrifice
Endless sorrow
Sweet tears dedicated to a blind audience

Today I saw the death of my father
His beautiful blue eyes all clouded and milky
His time-weathered hands rough yet gentle
So many things I wanted to say
So many years we’d lived a lie
A scarring lie
Misleading intricacies flooding my mind

Today I saw the death of my father
As I was pressed close to his heart
As I held him near and his scent drew all around
I saw his death as if it were real
Looked up into his smile and wanted badly to return it
Return his love

Drawing away, I looked back only once
His smile was still intact
I looked back only once
And saw the death of my father