It's a new day

I'm in the middle of something
I'm just a little girl
But still I'm full of shame
I can't get over it
It's been 3 years ago
I was doing so well
But then the black sky with full of rain and thunder
tracked me down
I thought I was strong
but I wasn't
Never have I felt so alone
I felt like an outsider
Even though I had so many good friends
But the truth will never make it through
I'm hiding in a dark corner to reach the light
But I feel like I'm getting far and far away from the light
I thought I could start over
I cry because I want to
I'm the only one who knows
I feel that people can see
the blood coming out
It's like raspberry jam
The water is just running
I cannot stop it
I'm crying
But I don't want people to see
that I'm in that dark corner
All the shame
All the lies
All the secrets
All the pain
I was happy
But something got wrong
I got depressed inside
Something was blocking me
Slowly thought was running
It's a new day
I CAN change.