When I am

When I am holding your hand tightly in mine, I know how lucky I am
When I am tucked swiftly under your arm, I know I am safe
When I am kissing you softly, I realise how much I love you
When I am with you, I start to tremble
When I am near you, I get all nervous
When I am holding you close, I hear your heartbeat
When I am surrounded by your love, I feel like the happiest girl on earth

But when I am not holding your hand,
Tucked swiftly under your arm,
Kissing you softly,
near you, holding you close,
or surrounded by your love...
I feel empty, sad and lonely,
Surrounded by walls of darknesss

I know it is not possible for me to be with you
Every waking moment of the day
Just maybe if I saw you more often,
I wouldn’t feel so empty, sad and lonely,
And surrounded by those horrible walls of darkness