Nostalgic Prison

Hidden in plain sight
Forbidden places of memory
Knowing they are there
Knowing where they are
Makes no difference
Ignorance & misinformation
Are not the chains that bind
But rather is pain instead
Happy memories
Of loved ones since passed
Moments of fun & laughter remembered
These are what true chains are made from
Not steel or cold iron
But bittersweet nostalgia
♠ ♠ ♠
This was written in memory of my grandfather. There are still places I can't go, pictures I can't look at, and even movies or television shows that I cannot watch and games I cannot play because they hold too many very happy memories of the two of us together. Like the park that isn't too far from the house, where we went when I was a child, and later where we visited the Chataqua every year, and the car shows he loved to go to. Now, I can't go there for any purpose without being sad and unable to enjoy myself.