my friends

i wanna say thanks
to the people
who make life worth living
you have helped me so much

even when i would yell or tell you mean things
thank you
i hope i could be as good of a friend as you

to Shawine
we may fight and insult each other
but in the end your my friend for live.

to Zach
you never fail to make me smile
you help me and never gave up. thank you.

to Andy
im mean and rude at times
but you never have gave up on me
no matter what your my friend

to Rachel
yea you.
you hate me
thats fine
its normal
i hope one day me you and andy will all be friends

to Chelsea
your here when i need you
and you always listen

to Sennetta
your my friend forever
your always joyful

to Alli
"wow i never saw that coming"
it always come to my mind
you never fail to make me laugh
you surprise me all the time if its
"lets prank the boys"
to "i dont care how much trouble we will get in"

Again thank you to these people that are apart of my life.