That Feeling When

Have you ever just felt lost? I'm not really sure how to explain it, but I'll give it a try. That feeling you have when all hope is, well, lost. That feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you just found something out. That 'Oh my god' feeling. And the feeling when you just want to scream out 'I CANNOT GO ON'. And just then and there, you want to collaspe onto the floor and not move from that spot. Or, that feeling when you've been pushed to the point of no return. When someone does something and they've pushed the limit of your patience. And you just wanna scream, but you can't. Because that's not what people expect of you. Or that feeling when you just wanna run away and never come back. And you can't, because you'd be leaving too much behind. And every single freaking day, you smile and nod and laugh and keep up the same façade that everyone believes. Even those close to you. And it eats you up inside. But you endure it so you won't worry anyone. And while you smile and laugh and keep up your act, it's only a cry for help.
