Stay Sweet

The pain in the pit of my stomach cannot be ignored
It feels as if I’m continually slashed with a sword
Many emotions keep creeping up on me
From happy to worried to jealousy

Keep me safe and protected from all
Because you should be the one to hear me call
I want to be protected under your wings
But the past comes back to me and stings

I hate this way that feel
My feelings for you weren’t supposed to be real
We were to only be a one-time thing
But now we’re together; more than just a fling

I know you can treat me right as you often do
But at times you can treat me the wrong way too
You make me feel guilty when I’m not
Which makes me apologize on the spot

So my honey, baby, sweetheart, be good to me as you often are
That way I am not afraid and push my feelings far
You are sweet and great. I know it’s true
I want to keep my feelings close for you.