One Little Heartbeat

She's in there
I know she is
I'm waiting for her to come out

I want to see her hands
I love her little hands
Oh wait, I haven't even seen them.

I want to look at her eyes
What color will they be?
I don't know, but I can't wait to see

I wonder about her nose
How big? How small?
She better be able to smell or I'm going to be mad

I wonder if she has dumbo ears
She better be able to hear
Because I want to tell her I love her everyday

I don't want to wait a couple of months
Kid, come out now please
Auntie over here is getting impatient

Cool down, cool down
Don't get sad and have a frown
The little one will show up soon enough

Oh no, what if she's sick or something
She better not be! I know that one thing
She better be healthy too or I'm going to kick everyone with my shoe

I want to hold her little hand
I want to hear her giggle
Hell, I want to see her do anything

One day she'll be going to school
The year is early and she's dressed
She goes off and makes new friends

One day she'll be in middle school
Thinking she's pimp and oh-so-cool
And Auntie is just going to laugh and roll my eyes

She'll go through the facts of life too
That's something scary and very, very new
She'll be just fine though, I have confidence in her

Now we hit high school
In other words, this is hell's pool
But I think she'll have plenty of friends

She graduating already?!
My watch must be broken
Wasn't she just born like five minutes ago?

Oh great now she's graduating college
I better not blink
This kid's growing up too fast for me to even think

Now she's married
Well yeesh this is going fast
She has a successful job, and boy does it last

Now she's expecting too?
Wait a minute
Wasn't her little heart beat on the monitor like five minutes ago?

I blink back all the future this little heartbeat has
I know she'll make it, she's a gift and the gift is glad
She's not even here yet

But when she gets here
She'll be awesome and strong
Her life will be happy and last very long

And if she ever needs Auntie Ria to step up to the plate
I'll be there with flowers for her and a baseball bat for her date
So he better explain why he's late

No one better mess with the little one
Or Auntie gets really mad
And anybody who did anything to her is going to look very bad

Let's wait it out and enjoy that's she's even to be here
I'm going to be an aunt, wow my brain isn't clear
I already love her so dear

So little heartbeat
I know you'll change the world
Not even born yet
I know you'll be an amazing girl
♠ ♠ ♠
For my little to be niece <3

This could probably be for a daughter too, if you took all the aunts out of there. So I guess this is for the daughters, mommas, and the nieces.