It's hard to believe

It's hard to believe that just weeks before
You were alright
You'd call the house to check up like you usually did
Then you were lying in a hospital bed holding on to your life
It's hard to believe that one night I was at your house
You made me put the lotion on my body because
I too had dry skin like you
It's hard to believe that just six years ago
You gave me my first night gown
Night gowns were a part of who you were
And I love that about you
Now your in Heaven with Lord
I know that's a better place for you to be
Your out of pain, out of the misery
But I wish you didn't have to go, not now
I hadn't seen you in over a year and that pains me
It's hard to believe that last Thanksgiving you were fine
Showering your princess with gifts
Showing me that you loved me
I know I didn't get to see you a lot
But I'm taking this time to say that
You mean the world to me and that'll never change.

I love you Grandma Faye!
July 12, 1943-December 05, 2010
