
Home is where the heart is,
Where you sacrifice your life for.
Home is where you feel the safest,
Where you can be you.
Home is where you’re accepted,
Where you’re surrounded by things you love,
Home is where your life started and began.
Home is not a place,
It’s not a dimension,
Not a realm,
It nothing at all,
Not if it’s all of this.

If home is where the heart is,
Home is in your chest,
Your heart is what you sacrifice your life for.
If home is where you feel the safest,
To be who you are,
Where you’re accepted,
Where you’re around things you love,
Home is in your mind,
The little part that tells you that you’re okay.
If home is where your life started and began,
Then it’s your heart and your brain.
Both were created to help you live,
Both were created to help you die.

Home is not a place,
Not a dimension,
Not a realm,
It’s nothing at all,
But it’s everything at once.

Home is your chest,
Your mind,
Your brain.

Home is where your feet take you,
Home is where sleep,
Where you eat,
Where you live,
Where you sit,
Where you take and banish breath,
It’s where you are sitting at this very moment.

Home is all these things and more,
Because home isn’t anything around you,
Home is simply you.