Just For You

I love you more than I could ever promise.
This is why I’m choosing pain.
That way you’ll at least be happy.
You bring me my happiness,
You make me calm when around you,
Yet no one else seems to hold that power.
Why does it have to be you that possesses this control over me?
Even when we’re alone,
You see me,
I look away.
You look a little guilty,
But that could just be my misguided eyes.
Then you ask me a question,
A simple question that kills me to hear:
“Do you know where she is?”
I know what you seek,
And so I go to give them to you,
Yet it’s locked.
We go our separate ways,
And all the emotions overpower me once more.
The fact that I will always be second-rate.
The fact that I will never be enough for you.
The fact that you are the only one that truly makes me happy.
That fact that everything else seems to fade when I talk to you.
The fact that a great sense of calm overwhelms me when I’m by you,
Even if for just a moment or two.
The fact that she will always be so much better than I,
And the fact that I will let your happiness get in the way of my own.
I love you,
And because of that,
I’ll sit idly by while my life crumbles,
But yours goes to great distances and beyond.