
One day
Filled with what I can’t say
Differed from the next
And by far a change
From those which came before it

One Night
Marked by uncertainty
AS clocks tick time
Staring out into the dark
As is stares right back
At unclosed eyes
Not ready yet to sleep

One Child
Grows up in a world
Vast but yet so empty
So many paths wide open
And nowhere to go
Yet they wonder what’s so wrong

One question
Fills and twists the mind
How could this life be so wrong
For me?

One Life
Full of every “one day”
Tested by each one night
Spawning one hundred questions
Out of just that one
Becoming enough to swallow
That child whole
And never letting go

One mind
Sleepless through the night
Must attempt to translate
The words which echo through the dark
Try to capture
What words the night it speaks
For all to hear its whispers
Just one time