
You say I'm gay.
That I should rot in Hell.
I think opposite.
I'm a young girl.
I love people for who they are.
Not what they are.
Since she's came into my life I feel complete.
I love her.
She loves me.
Speak up for homophobia.
If you are againt homosexuality,fuck off.
No matter what race,age,culture,or person.
We all have love and show it in different ways.
So if a man loves a man. Then that's love.
If a woman loves a woman,it's love.
Knowing who you love is great.
No matter what people say.
You're black,white,Japanese,Russian,German,Asian.
Say I love who I love and I'll never change.
No matter what people say.
We are all loveable and beautiful.
And don't ever forget that.~
♠ ♠ ♠
This truly came from my heart. I meant it all.