begining but no ending

Lost in dispair without a care he broke your heart and left the dark but i came in and revailed the light u blew my world right out of sight i never new we would be like this, any problem solved with just one kiss. I saved u thre the fire and the falmes and u did the same neither one of us will ever be the same we both changed i fell into a hole called love but i dont think iv had enough you stole my heart and gifted yourz i promis i wnt let it fall onto any of these dirty floorz you send chillz threw my body looking the way u do i feel like i dnt desearve someone as beautiful as u ive come to a conclusion tht this is no illusion our love is real this is no dream puppy love turned full grown you will nevur be alone i love you this is tru nd i no u lovve me to there is no tigger without pohh no me without you no micky without mini we have a begining but no ending