Alex the Janitor.

Oh Alex, oh Alex,
Anna and I chant,
Laughing and cursing,
Causing loud rant. 

"Say a bad word?" We beg,
"Republican." you reply,
You have us laughing,
We haven't even touched a keg. 

"Piss on my nut sack and call it Jack Black..." Anna and I rap, hoping you'd hear,
We really want you to laugh, 
And whisper in your ear. 

Your hands like sand paper,
All gross and hard,
Feels like you fingered a wooden vagina,
Or sliced them open with a card. 

Alex the Janitor,
Anna and I love you so,
We love your creepy smile,
And how you always have to go..

I ask you about my sex toy,
Brendon is his name,
You say you've seen him,
Maybe you two have played a game..?

I love how you let us get away with the stupidest shit,
About asking what animal is your favorite to fuck,
Or if you fuck ketchup bottles,
Or even trucks. 

We can ask you about having a dildo up your ass,
And all you'll do is laugh,
We'll ask about fucking gorillas,
All you'll say is "who hasn't?"

The point of this poem my dear friend,
Is to let you know,
I love you till' the end, 
And that I'll always show,
To all of my family,
This lovely poem,
I wrote,
For a janitor,
Named Alex.