my breaking point.

This day is my breaking point.
The day where something inside me breaks.
My seemingly perfect world I built so high.
Crashes to the ground.
Breaking down and forming puddles of shattered dreams.
For so long you put on the mask.
Hide what you feel, they will go away.
Once upon a time this happy little girl.
Wasn’t so happy.
She cried all the time.
She fought for an escape.
To no avail.
Hide what you feel for they will go away.
This one day.
This one day ruined her façade.
Shattered my mask.
Open and exposed for the world to see.
This girl.
Weak and innocent.
No matter how hard she tries.
No amount of makeup will cover this.
Huddle down darling.
Weep your worries away because in the morning.
They will be waiting at your door.