To My Evil Foe

Impatiently waiting, waiting for the Inevitable... It comes for me at my weakest points of times when I can barely fight it off... Death... Death is my cruel heartless friend that waits patiently for me at the end of the long road I will walk... this road.... maybe it is long... maybe not.... but I have visited death many times and he knows I am not afraid of him. I have clashed with his scythe with my own willpower... as I lay on my death bed I tell myself I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED! and I FIGHT him with every ounce of my being straining under the power but I know I must prevail! I have to prevail! I will WIN!!! I will come back from the death because I know that somewhere someone will accept me for me and I will fight for that I will risk my life over and over for the chance of Love... Love... Love is what I live on.... If I had no love... then there would be nothing left of me.... Just a cold empty shell that will Impatiently wait.... wait for my friend.... my foe.... to come and whisk my life and soul away so I would never again have to live through the hardships of Life.....