
The world would be better if all were blind
'Cause most of us are shallow
Most of the time

We need to be loved
Need to be touched
We need to be kissed, hugged, and fucked

Personality last
Image first
And always the best
Falls for the worst

We love to hate, cheat, and lie
But when it happens to us
"Bitch is gonna die"

Hypocrites, that's all we are
And I'm no exception
Not by far

We need a change
And a change we'll get
But who brings the change
When we're all hypocrites

We need to connect on a deeper level
Maybe then we'd get along a little better

I find it funny that the blind can see
So much clearer than you and me
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for any errors, it was typed on my phone(: