
I can't help but to feel as if I'm trying the impossible
To do what others exempt is quiet and plausable
To resurrect what was once alive
To fill the love that is deprived
If simple science is to fail
To try to no avail

If I do it right will my efforts be not in vain?
To Raimund Lully's truth be sane
Dwarf in the flask from which not I learn
Keep from the memories to what I'll urn
If right will I ever know wrong?
To live to hear life's song

My love that you once knew so well
My voice you describe as a bell
Once so familiar, now hard to remember
My life is a faulty pretender
Hold onto a masochistic reminder
And just say that you'll find her
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know the reason or the meaning behind this poem, I just know that it sounds good.