My Sadness

You lied to my face

You broke my heart

I trusted you with my life

But I guess you ignored that part

I loved you dearly, but you didnt care

The pain you made me go through I can no longer bare

What once was is no more

I cut my arm, oh look, blood and gore

But like you said, you don't give a damn

You called me a depressed freak, so know thats what I am

Now your gone and you obviousily don't care..and i sigh..............

"breaking news"- The body of ------- -------- was discovered at 11:45 a.m this morning. He had commited suicide and hung himself from the top of his balconyand had a note strapped to his arm. The note only said this- " This is what happenes when you don't care and lie, so know and forever I say good-bye.....
♠ ♠ ♠
Never be that person in the poem.... -_-