Man's Tragedy

The story of Man's tragedy
Is a long, violent one
For who else could willingly go forth
And kill his kind in the coldest of blood?

Childlike screams of eternal agony
Condemned to the depths of Hell
Where we all originated from
Where we truly belong.

Death comes in many forms
Too many times, a bullet
Stolidly aimed at one man from another
Intent to kill his brother.

Is there no love
No compassion
Just men fueled with hate
Is this what we have come to?

War holds no boundries
They would say
You can never go too far
They couldn't be more wrong.

Like a pack of cannibals
Only out for blood, never peace
Their thirst owns and controls them
Are we really that weak?

Yes, I contradict myself
I scream of how cruel we are
And I am part of them
Only, there is a large difference...

I regret.