If I Pulled The Trigger

I called out for help
But no one heard me above the roar.
My heart beats fast and my whole body is sore.

What would happen if I pulled the trigger tonight?
There would be no more pain.
Just the pierce of the bullet.
Can it be true I'm becoming insane?

I'm aching and burning.
Then, I can't feel a thing.
If I pull the trigger
The gun will sing.

I hold it to my head
Take a deep breath
And count to three.

My brother told me.
It's okay to be free.

The word is ugly to me.

The gun drops at my side,
I suppose I won't be saying goodbye.

A gunshot I hear,
From across the house,
Slowly I open the door
What I see hits me at my very core.

My brother lay smiling in a dreamless sleep
The gun at his side,
Everything I said was a lie...

I reach for the note,
Tears burning inside my eyes.
He shouldn't have to say goodbye.

"You said you wanted to be free...
The same thing I want to be.
If you die,
I die too.
Suicide doesn't just effect you."