Stay Strong

Nothing was ever perfect for her
And she knew it never would be
She tried her best at everything
Sometimes it worked out as planned, but not always
People were mean and selfish
And she knew that
She knew she couldn't do anything about that either
That's how they were and she couldn't change one thing about them
Sometimes she just wanted to curl up and cry
But she had to stay strong
So she put on a big smile and laughed off the hurtful words
She acted like she didn't care; pretended to go on with her life
But deep down inside it hurt
The words killed her inside
She also knew there were people that loved her
Truly loved her
She just had to find them first
She knew this, but it seemed as though the haters always outnumbered the lovers
She wonders it anyone will ever love her with all her many flaws
love her for her
nothing else
She wishes that people didn't want her to change
Didn't want her to be perfect in their image, but in hers'
She hopes that someday that this will happen
But until then she must stay strong and believe.