Best Thing for You.

You say you love me,
But you don't,
And I keep falling for your little white lies,
Also I don't know if I can deal with it anymore,
I'm about ready to call it quits,
But I love you,
And I know what you did,
And Became...
I still love you,
And always will,
But you decided to leave me,
Alone..... and Loveless.
I'm going crazy when I see you,
I go crazy just being around you,
So why are you being like this?
I don't know.....
So kill me,
And get over me,
That will be the best thing for you!!
♠ ♠ ♠
My friend wrote this after the man she gave her heart and wanted to marry, broke up with her and tore her heart into little shards. I thought it was good and posted it. COMMENTS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!!!