Vision of the Blind

When everyone was given the gift of sight, why was I given a set-back?

Because my eyes have been caught in a sea of pitch black,
Because it wouldn't make a difference if I turned front or back,

Because my hands and feet are capable of the skies limit,
Because everything I do, I do my best and dedicate myself to it,

Because I'm always crashing into a dark cloud of smoke,
Because without sight I'm seen as a sad, old joke,

Because sight goes far beyond simply just seeing,
Because I've got my own big dreams as a human being,

Because I'm not showered in a pale, clear light,
Because instead, I'm paving a dark tunnel that reaches a beautiful sight,

Because within me, I believe I can conquer and stand on top of a mountain,
Because I can imagine my own words flow like water from a fountain,

Because I still have ideas that can be played on television,
Instead, I’ll guide the whole world to see the heights of my vision.


Hello, hope you found the true meaning of this poem, I helped you a lot with the title~ :D
This is an old poem that was written in the form of a because poem, I really liked it so, I'm sharing it ^^