How Much Do I Really Mean to You?

Too many things i want to say, so many things i wish i hadn't
I keep thinking about, if your thinking of me,
Wishing you were, but you probably aren't.

You think of other things, like school work and sports,
hanging out with your friends, making sure they dont know.

That you and me, we have something special,
too special to forget, but somehow, you always act like you have.

Like we dont give each other, special glances and looks,
like i dont catch you staring, and me at you.
Like we don't secretly flirt, although i wouldn't call it that,
Alone in our rooms, chatting basically all night.

Like we haven't secretly, gone to the movies alone,
fought over who's buying the drinks and the popcorn.
Like we havent snuggled, in the movies,
and stolen each others drinks, like we haven't held hands.
Walking anywhere as long, as we are together.

Like you dont miss me, I've gotten you to say it once or twice,
Like everything we've gone through, doesnt matter.
Like we didnt fall for each other, once again,
Like i dont mean to you, all you mean to me.

I dont think you know, how much im hiding from you,
all of the things i want to say, and everything i couldn't.

Im supposed to be the outgoing one, who always speaks her mind,
And you the guy, who hides from the world,
The guy who never never tells anyone how you are feeling.

So why am i having so much trouble in tell you how i feel,
whats on my mind, what i am thinking,
Maybe im waiting for you to make the first move,
the first to take a chance. Is that so bad?

Can i not be the first one to put my heart on the line?
Are you willing to take the chance.
How much do i really mean to you?
♠ ♠ ♠
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