what happened to bestfriends forever?

When we were seven, we were jealous.
Jealous of a mutual friend, but we learned to get over it.
When we were ten, we became good friends.
Always hanging out and telling eachother everything.
When we were twelve, we became inseperable.
Wanting to always hang out.
But now that I'm fourteen and you're thirteen and middle school became apart of our lives, times have changed.
You've become different.
It's never just me you and our other bestfriend. All your friends tag along.
Slowly replacing us.
But let me tell you about your friends.
They're not real friends, they're all backstabbers. Your stupid not to see that.
They will never be like we've been to you, sorry to tell you that.
We've been replaced and it doesn't feel good.
Being blown off for other plans when we already had plans.
Real nice.
So now , when all your "friends" betray you and leave you, your going to wish you kept us close.
All the memories we have are slowly fading away.
I'm sad to see two bestfriends becoming strangers to you.
But if that's the way it's going to be, then it'll be that way.
Just hope you have fun and learn a lesson.
Because i'm done with being slapped in the face.