Forever and a Few Minutes

You said "forever" but "forever" came too soon.
You nailed me to the cross, and I sealed the tomb.
Cut me out wrong, sewed a little girl to Frankenstein.
I am what I am today- it's your faults and mine.
You threw me into the fire then tried to put me out.
I am your worst nightmare- absolutely and without a doubt.
You left me out too long and I went bad.
It sort of hurts to remember what we never really had.
An unnamed species. I'm a disease they can't diagnose.
Some know pieces, but what the puzzle is? No one really knows.
There's no one to pray to. You left me for lion meat.
How do I taste now? Does death taste so sweet?
There are no 'hellos', there are no 'goodbyes'-
For all of your treachuries each of you dies.
You all just left, but none of us were ever really there.
You started this famine now try to make it rain. I can smell your fear.
You clipped the wrong wire and found yourself trapped.
You couldn't stop the bomb, but you left me in our aftermath.
I waited and waited but you never came.
It hurt to see it dead, but it killed me to watch everything and everyone fade.
You burned your end of the bridge, and I burned mine.
Some of us tried to build it back, but we ran out of time.
I'll go one way, you go the other.
It will be all too soon when I trust another.
Funny thing about the domino effect-
Triggers one after anoterh until there's no standing pieces left.
[Keep scraping those knees darling.]
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hmm..this has conflicting emotions. Anger, bitterness, sadness, and regret. Inspired by bits of religion I was brought up in. Hmm..interesting how an atheist uses the bible.