Wasting time.

I think and think,
I stay up talking meanigless words.
I listen to songs i dont know,
I think about him constantly.
I worrie a little too much,
I love and lose too much.
My mind is facinating,
Dreams are a little to real to me,
Plans are planned out a tiny bit more when you give it to me.
I fix my hair too much.
I type too much.
I do everything important a little too much and overdone.
I sing, badly.
I' have a taste of sweetness when you talk to me.
I can brighten someones day.
I dont sleep, well barley.
I add spark to your life.
Im meaning-less.
Im wasting time,
Day by day,
Minute by minute.
I go place to place,
Leaving and making new friends,
I plan runaways,
I think bad thoughts,
Im not perfect.
Im just wasting time.
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