
Are there words for this
I've never known them

Perhaps some

Four letters

A word to describe torture
And pain
And change altogether
When it wasn't needed or necessary
Or welcomed

I think I remember

Something that signals rain
Mistakes and more and more
Unbearable hours
Thoughts and tears that beg for an alternate
A word in which none comes ailing

Where people, strong people, break down
And the weak immobilized, denying
It means when there is no more laughter heard
No more colors, not even grey
It's all hazed like a storm
Like trying to see through torrents
Or smoke from the flames devouring you as you scream
Because you have to be emotionless
Or you're a coward too

I think it means nothing more
Than an end to these games we play
A man with a sign, standing in the street
I sign that just simply says "STOP"
You're done
It's over, come with me and forget everything
You can't go back
There is no more time for you

It's an exhale
That tiny spark, unnoticeable
That off switch when all nerves stand still
And hold there silence
Wondering if you will ever breathe again
If they are useless now

It's a passive nod.

It's a whisper.

The instant when the sun goes out of sight.

Those last few seconds before 11:59 turns into tomorrow.

The realization of just how big the giant is you're standing on.

A look up at the sky.

It's a smile.

It's the smell of grass when it's cut
The birds singing
And every little creature just being-

The sound of a baby crying
Fresh apples
Crisp leaves and pumpkin

It's amazement for the big things
And appreciation for the small...

It's work.

But it sows...

It's four letters,
And it's beautiful...