The One That Got Away

The One That Got Away
You were the guy on stage,
Singing your heart out,
Screaming those vocals,
You had nothing to care about,
You had had a rough life,
Your family broken apart,
I was just a fan to you,
But you were always in my heart,
You were on my mind,
Day after Day,
I wanted you with me,
But what more can I say,
I was the girl, who didn’t exist,
I was the one at the back,
I was the one alone,
The one dressed in black,
You noticed me finally,
Watching from a far,
All you did was smile,
Then you played your guitar,
I saw every show,
I knew every word,
I hoped one day,
You would release me like a bird,
Every show you would smile at me,
Give me a glimmer hope,
I should have known better,
You were probably high on dope,
A begun to give up,
Just as you approached me,
You opened your mouth,
And began to speak freely,
The crowd was noisy,
I couldn’t hear you,
You pulled me closer,
I didn’t think this could be true,
I played with your hair,
Stroked your soft face,
Felt that stubble,
This was our rightful place,
I knew from then on,
You were always mine,
I longed for your touch,
I had even started a shrine,
Every time now,
Your hands around my waist,
Your sweet tender lips,
Such a succulent taste,
The closer we got,
The more I knew you,
Finally you said it,
“I love you”,
I was crying with joy,
My dream was real,
Walking home I tripped,
Next I saw the wheel,
I laid in a coma,
Months I was there,
You had just given yourself to me,
And this was what you had to bear,
I was not moving,
I could not breathe,
Here was the question,
Would you leave?
You watched me die,
Laid on that bed,
A tube into my stomach,
Was this how I was to be fed?
I didn’t want this,
You knew that then,
You talked to doctors,
And watched me die as your friend,
The machines turned off,
My chest not breathing,
You sat there alone,
Silently grieving,
Two weeks later,
I was laid to rest,
You had only just met me,
But I had been the best,
I had been the one that died,
The one not to stay,
The one in the ground,
The one that got away.