Questioning Fear

Have you ever felt the weight of hate?
Forcing others to diverge from fate.
Leaving all innocent in a helpless state.
Leading to one's downfall at a rapid pace.

Acceptance is one unfortunate addiction.
It either leads to confirming or to a crucifixion.
Don’t dare to be different or else face affliction.
Don't dare to question, there are no contradictions.

Love is a word that has no meaning.
Replaced by passion which is often misleading.
An erotic desire leads one feeling demeaning.
They promise forever, but they're already leaving.

Death is so peaceful, you can finally forget,
All the horrible things in the world you regret.
But still it's so feared, it makes people upset.
They always want to control where they're going next.

So Are you more afraid of death or dying?
Are you really more scared of failing or trying?
Are you afraid of loving or that your loved one is lying?
Let the smile lie while your insides are crying.