Until the End of Summer

Laughing, talking, Gossiping, Carefree.

Same school, same town, same state, same house.

Same friends, same faces, same rules.

One mistake.

One accusation.

One warning

No change.

One threat.

No change.

They think something’s wrong

with her.

With her mind.

It’s Rebellion, they say.

Just a stage.

She dosen’t know.

She doesn’t know whats wrong

With her

With what she did.

She cries.

At night.


Two choices.

One bad, One good.

Decision, confusion

Legalized papers


Saying goodbye


For the next few months

she was to live with her dad.

Four hours away.

To straighten things out

Until the end of summer…..

Everything new

A Fresh start

Enrollment. New school.

New state. New friends.

New faces. New smiles.

New rules. No mistakes.

She pretends.

To be happy.

Until the end of summer……
♠ ♠ ♠
my first free verse poem :/ hope you like it? i wrote it while i was in school, and what it basically is talking about is how i made a few (ton) of mistakes and had to either move to my dad's for the remander of the school year and all through summer or go to Juvie for a week :/ so i picked my dad's. ya. BIG mistake. i hate him, and my step mom. so ya enjoy? comment? or not.