Stole My Heart, And You'll Never Know.


you brought me into the world i love so much.
the world of your imagination.
your musical genius,
your church bell laugh,
your ability to light any room with your presence,
your connection with anyone no matter their age.

you showed me another way to live.
you didn't care about opinions,
so why should i?
you were special in your own way.
a way in which none others could compare.
a way in which you'd always be remembered.

you stole my heart, and you'll never know.
your music spoke to me in ways few understand.
your voice had the ability to cheer me up, or calm me down.
the sound your drums made, are the sounds my heart now replicates.
when i hear your piano, i'm reduced to tears.
the way the boys loved you, showed true brotherhood.

you don't know how honored i am to have walked this earth at the same time you did.
to be apart of such genius is truly amazing.
James Owen Sullivan, you took a piece of me when you left and you didn't even know it.
you're up there, where ever you are, and i know you are watching all of us.
I miss you. I'll see you soon.
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