Castles In The Air (In Dactyl Trimeter)

Little girl sitting in front of her
Mirror deciding, deciding on
Which one to wear. White trimmed furniture
Gleams up against walls of lavender.
Sitting upon her white cushioned stool
Plastic high heels swing above the floor
Happily humming a joyful tune
Rummaging around the marked dresser she
Prowls through rings, gaudy toy bracelets and
Tubes of fake lipstick to find the last
Finishing touch, perfect piece, the crown.
Beautifully, happily twirling in
Blissful joy. Eyes shut tight. Arms spread wide
Sparkles are fluttering, fluttering
Down from her puffy pink ball gown, like
Glittering snowflakes from clouds up high.
Long golden ringlets are falling from
Small jeweled barrettes, into her wide brown eyes
Butterflies swarm in her stomach, joy

Clouds her sight, peacefulness reigns in her
Heart. Girlish giggles tum’ble through her lips.
Castles and magic is all she knows
Best friends with princesses, talking forest
Imaginary pets. Steers clear of
Spinning wheels and knows that her prince will come
Riding upon a white steed. Castles
Swim in the air. Fairytales nest in her
Imagination while fantasy
Beats in her heart and a happily
Ever after lives deep in her soul.