
Oh, tiger swallowtail,
I saw you in a time of change;
a sign, printed on a sullen page;
fluttering your wings across my brain.

I thought I was insane.

But you're so beautiful;
a brilliant yellow jewel, spotted black flaws,
sipping nectar... I thought I saw
a million wings, painted in the sun of God
blinding me with beauty.

dizzy, though, this hazy fog;
I swear I see them everywhere,
flying out from under my eyelids,
gliding in a meadow air,
either a ghost, or really there
as real as nature is...

The girl behind the mirror-
eyes becoming two black bumps
with feelers on her furry head;
not just everywhere- insideā€¦
an eery metamorphism,
calming as the living dead.

you're the epitome of beautiful
but scared, I am scared of you.

Your nature will not change
but you will.
Your golden, glossy wings will sooth me,
but still...
I'm scared of you.