A Dream Is a Child

A frozen dream so far away,
I can hear it cry,
It falls, it stalls, it wants to say,
If you leave it, it will die.
A dream is like a child,
It always needs your care,
Or it will go run wild,
It will never again be there.
It needs your love to keep it lit,
To make it stay alive,
Because if you abandon it,
I swear that it won’t thrive.
Keep your dreams close to your heart,
They want you to succeed,
You can’t spend any time apart,
Or I promise it will leave.
When you find that dream, that wish,
You’ll look back to the past,
Your eyes will start to swim like fish,
With tears that will not last.
It’s a long, long journey to the end,
But the end is sweet,
Your dreams will follow as a friend,
But only you can lead.