one more chapter to write...

Blood drips from your fingers
The mirror before you
Reminding you who you are
You speak, a ghostly sound
You can't shake this shame
Of what u come from
So you isolate yourself
N cut anyone
Who steps too close
You drown yourself
In this misery you can't hide
You look to the one thing
The one thing that was good
The one thing that held you
It's shaddered remains
Now to pick up the pieces
N write on in this story
Of broken hearts
And hallow faces
Dreams are
The only ones that won't break
So we hold them true
We hold them dear
We hold them high
You look at her with such love
But her eyes just glossy bulbs
Her face just mascera
Plastered with eyeliner
The past is long since lost
And no one wants you anymore
She was the only one
That accepted you
Didn't make you change
Didn't make you wear a mask
But... Where is that now?
Long since lost
But she still holds your hand
She still kisses you
In private
When others are around
She doesn't know you
Your just some guy
What happened
Have I done something wrong?
Was I too pasionate?
Did I say sumn a lil too strong?
Or was it a dream all along?
With ashes in my veins
And a shriveled black heart
I take up one last shard
And write the final chapter