The Nightmare

Waking up, trembling with fear,
The memory shedding another tear,
Reminding me of the past dream,
That woke me up in a painful scream.

Creatures creeping throughout the night,
Adrenaline left from the fearful fright,
Saws knives and guns, all used to kill,
All used to get me to quench their killing thrill.

Man eating flowers opening up wide,
Showing all the guts inside,
Of all the left over remains,
All the prey it has once claimed.

My true love dying before my eyes,
All because of my stupid lies,
My eyes gazing down at his grave,
All of his pain, he was so so brave.

Being all alone to fall,
Must be the worst of all,
To me the worst scare,
Is from what they call, The Nightmare.