Spinning, Spinning

Spinning, spinning,
Like a top
Life goes round and round
Why won't it stop
I need to breathe
I need to think
My life's been turned upside down
But I've been thinking
And now I wonder if it was ever right side up
They say life is a joke
But I'm not laughing
And I don't know which way is up
I just know I'm falling down
Spinning, spinning
My mind is whirling
I'm trapped in a tornado
I need to get out
I need it all to stop
For once in my life
Just let me think
Just let me scream
Listen to me cry and yell
Then give me silence
And let me be a person
I need to stop this spinning
And the thoughts
Just want to live on dreaming
And forget what I have lost
Spinning, spinning
Like a top
Life goes round and round
I can't make it stop