
The door shuts loudly
Echoes through the hallway
The siding cracks, groans and moans
It stays in place, but begs to sway

You thrash about the house
Walking up staircase
As if it killed your spouse

And your fist hits the wall
Making a dent, leaving a mark
But it seems its bite
Was worse than your bark

And the water fills the sink
As your blood slips evenly
Between your bruised hand

And your tears hit the floor

The door moves
And you jump
Hoping, pleading
You know how it’s for

It swings opens quickly
It’s just Fed Ex

He leaves
You feel quite vexed

Pitter, patter,
Back up the stairs
Under the bed
To grab a gun
The small pistol
Your mother’s one

Now that she’s gone
She won’t miss you
Your daddy wasn’t there to care
Now that he won’t respect you anywhere

Click, BAM!
There goes the trigger
You fall to the floor
Where’s the gravedigger?

Another swish,
And slam,
Your father comes in
To his son
The last one
With a hole in his head
And his blood on the floor

The man shakes his head,
And closes the door.
Click, BAM!
There he goes as well
If only your mother knew
Someday when she knows
Will she pull the trigger?
Will she go to hell?