My Heart's Under Construction

And once again I feel vulnerable enough to fall in love
And once again I feel the walls tumbling down from around me
And once again I feel the heat rush in my face as I blush
But will my heart survive another mistake? Another break?

The depths of the scars left an image I can't forget
The tears down my face had craved tracks inerasable
It was too much to bear the first time; it killed me the second one
Will I have the courage to risk my heart in that game again?

I never knew what it meant to be truly loved back
All what I've been given was games, lies, and empty promises
It'll take a miracle for me to forget the times I was treated like crap
But will a miracle be enough to heal my shattered heart?

It took me a long time to fall in love and live those fairytales
But it took me almost forever to pick up the pieces of my heart
It's hard to imagine there could be someone worthy in this world
After being manipulated, and played with all those times

It's now my curse whenever I hear the word 'love'
It's heart-wrenching how easily they could throw it around
I used to think it was the most sacred thing in the world
But now I’ve found out that it's easier to mess around with than mean it

Will it ever be my day, when I can walk down the aisle?
Will it ever be my fate to meet what they call 'Mr. right'?
And if I actually met him one day, could I be brave enough to let myself fall in love?
Or will the fear of losing myself again forever keep me caged within my walls?

The stakes are too high now, the water's always rough
And should there ever be a reason more than enough
To risk my heart again, to risk falling down forever
And having to keep that sign put up...'under construction'?