Masquerade Ball

A masquerade ball, flashy decorations hanging on every wall,
Laughter, contagious as the plague, a grander party you might never find.
A dance has started, every gown has found its suit,
they spin round and round, keeping time with the lively music.

Absurd faces stare at each other, from behind a wall of security,
only a joyful grin and gleaming eyes, betray the fake emotion.
Who are you? Never once asked. It has now become a game,
Who is she, who is he, who am i? We must never destroy the wall.

Every face of fake emotion is different,
some hide everything, some only the eyes and cheeks,
others show twisted emotion, one is fake, one is real, but who can tell?
No one shall ever know the truth, for it is intertwined with lies.

The faces get flashier as the night progresses, a new mask every hour it seems,
a change of costume here and there, the wall is never taken down.
Tick tock, tick tock, strikes the clock, but no one even notices.
In this dimension there is no time, no sense of too fast, or too slow.
No one ever grows tired, they seem to be drunk on this game.
Round and round, as skirts whirl and whirl,
The game continues, in a never ending cycle.

As the dance grows faster, everything starts to blur,
for a moment you swear, you have seen through the wall,
but then again, maybe not. It was too fast, faster then a shooting star,
a trick of the light, a blinding flash, an illusion.

You start to wonder, but you mind is but a whirlwind of confusion,
Was it just my imagination? Thoughts like these bolt across your mind,
like lightning from far away, suddenly one hits you. But you are too late.

Time is up, you have failed to detect the truth.
You have lost the game, no, you have lost more then just the game,
you have lost your mind, your body, your soul, your sanity,
You have been swept away into the blur of dancers,
into the insanity that is the masquerade ball.