Nothing but a closed casket.

You're pushed off the edge to the bottom of your life;

the world stands still with an apathetic posture

Death marks another victim off the ever-growing list

The soul; the vivid colors that design life, lost forever from the bodily form of your love

Sympathy lays a cold hand on your shoulder with remorse

Sorrow wraps his arms around you, embracing your emotion

Every fragile breath lingers in the air with a struggle

You fight your battle to grasp the light in the darkness

but the memories slip through your fingers in failed attempts

You'll cherish the brightest days in your heart, but only for as long as it's faithful beating lasts

The final moments of their life burn forever in your mind

The stranger passing by shows no hint of acknowledgment; saying quietly to himself,

"Death is nothing but a closed casket."
♠ ♠ ♠
Soooo, I wrote this forever ago, but I figured I'd post it. It's not much of a poem, but comment if you like it or have anything to say about it. Thanks :)