What is there to do.

The depression fades in,
It too much to bare,
She closes her eyes,
And wishes not to be here.

They don’t understand the way it goes,
They don't understand what it feels,
To be left out,
Forgotten about.

It's sad,
Because she wishes her life to end,
Wishes and Pleads,
For the pain to cease.

But it never does.

No it's one wound after another.

Mommy left daddy at 6,
She misses him so.

Molestation at 7,
By a man she should have been able to trust.

The teasing and bullying kicks in,
Till it tears her up from within.

She’s lost,
It hurts her so,
So she begins to cut.

New Daddy falls out of a tree,
Breaks his neck,
Leaving him in the hospital for a bit,
Mommy’s of at the bar,

She’s left alone with her thoughts,
And two small children,
To take care of.

New Daddy leaves at 10,
Mommy found another man.

Everything is bad,
Everything she had,
It's gone.

She closes her eyes,
Wishing for a means to an end,
Tearing her heart out from within.

Her biological father enters the picture,
The oh so screwed up picture,
What is there to do?
But learn the new,
The new way,
The real dad she never knew.

Whoops Real Daddy died,
Leaving her a mess,
What is there to do?
Nothing but to sit and to brew.

She was almost better,
But he died,
She began cutting again,
Tearing her heart out from within.

But what is there to do?