Blood and Bones

Blood and bones, blood and bones, blood and bones. I am only blood and bones. I am bones to protect my cold hart from those who wish to hurt me and my lies which is the blood keeping me alive. Blood and bones, blood and bones, blood and bones, I am only blood and bones I have no skin to protect me form sin. I have only bones to tell me how to live in a cold world even if it's in a soulless way. Blood to keep my mind sharp and cruel with lies and tricks. Blood and bones, blood and bones, blood and bones. My blood is the master mind of my ways as a killer a lire and deceiver. I have no faith in my life for even now I cheat the ones I love. Blood and bones, blood and bones, blood and bones. If I had skin to feel I would beg for death to come and end my sad life but since all I am is blood and bones I just move on and sharpen my sick mind like a deranged killer hungry for the next kill. Blood and bones, blood and bones, blood and bones. All I am is Blood and Bones.......