Nana Missing

Nana Missing

The sun seeks below the sunken hills,
Chattering blows of wind caress the emeral evergreens,
Swirlling and twirlling elegant flakes dance with skills,
The new fallen snow appears as white as a sheet.

Lingering tunes of carolling embrace me like my nana's humming,
My ears entune whispers and murmurs as the children wait,
Gleaming and glittering lights are very bright tonight with my tummy mumbling,
Stomping and stamping echoing away as the old and young debate.

Ancient chesterfields invite loved ones to stay if they care,
Saphire flames encased in the stone walls like a trapped butterfly,
Jack the jungle dies with laughter as humor fills the air,
Spiralling winds wooshes through as I visualize my nana waving goodbye.

Farther as I charter sulking in the Winter Wonderland,
Scenes of my nana flash by like a clip,
Memories are like expensive diamonds you can't refuse or demand,
Graceful flakes tumble, as my tears drip...drip...drip.
♠ ♠ ♠
First thing ever to be put up on this site, the poem was for English class, we had to write about Christmas and use a bunch of different poetry terms mixed with the poem. It's pretty basic, but I haven't done poetry in a while, so here you go. :)
Thanks for reading!