A Lesson

Place a man inside a cage
Tell him he will never be fed
Dangle bloody meat before him
Will he eat or wind up dead?
You cannot ask me to forget
You cannot ask me to resist
I cannot control my own desire
All I want is a single kiss
Was it hard to love me?
Was I unbearable to please?
As I bent you down before me
As you cried upon your knees
Your dress was cut too low
Your breasts were shown to all
Like ripe fruit I stole them
You never made a sound
Your garment was red tonight 
A dress do slick and smooth
You cried for every moment 
I wiped up every tear
I felt just like a monster
That hadn't been fed in years 
You made me what I am
You tortured me inside
You threw yourself before me
I couldn't let my feelings hide
I told you it was a lesson
To live and let love shine
Why wouldn't you accept my love?
Why couldn't I call you mine?
I wanted you to love me
My live was not what you wanted
You were always beautiful
With this beauty you always taunted
You wanted boys to love you
That is a girls game
To want everyone to love them
Them put all of them to shame
You yelled at me and screamed
You said I was doing wrong
What did you expect?
You even wore a thong
Girls like you are vile
They act like total skanks
And then they deny our pleasure
Our egos sink like tanks
You think you can dress like this
And not expect the worse
I took you in the alley
I was your sloppy first
So you go home and cry
Never wear this evil dress
You will tell no one what I did
Or be called a slut nonetheless
They will say it was your fault
Though I took you by surprise 
I stole you in the alley
Jammed myself between your thighs
I did something awful tonight
All in the act of desire
I thought you'd always love me
My lust burned out like fire
You will never love me
No matter what I did
I was stupid to think you would
Who could I really kid?
I cannot teach you a lesson
Which you will never learn
To live and accept love
To be loved in return.