Rest In Paradise

How is it up in paradise? Is there better air to breathe?
Do they treat you well up there? Is there anybody mean?
I wish that I was with you in your new haven and home,
but even though I'm not I know that I am not alone.

I still have all the family members with me that I love,
and I know I'll always have you, although silent, up above.
I hope you like it up there, in your lovely paradise.
I promise I'll be there some day. We'll have lived together twice.

I won't be up there soon; I know you wouldn't like it.
But when that far away day comes, we shall be united.
Together forever in paradise is something that I dream of;
you and I, side by side again, with nothing in between us.
♠ ♠ ♠
Popped into my head and I just had to write down my thoughts.