Looking Glass.

Am I right or
Am I wrong?
I don't know.
I'm not that strong.
This is killing me.
I can't stand captivity.
Untie this knot,
Unlock these chains.
I need to be free.
The indesiscion holds me.
This is killing me.
Am I right or am I wrong?
Tomorrow is a new day,
But I can't wait that long.
I need to know,
I need to discover.
What the matter with me?
Why is it so hard to smile?
So hard to laugh?
And so easy, to cry?
Why won't these thoughts go away?
I swear, I don't want to die.
This is killing me.
I'm haunted by myself.
I don't know what I want.
I can't figure out where I'm taking me.
Into depression? Unhappiness?
That’s not where I want to be.
Am I right or am I wrong?
Did I do the right thing?
Of course not.
I'm heartless,
I'm cruel.
I am the villain.
The scum.
No one roots for the bad guy.
They all want him to lose.
But did you ever think,
To each side, their is a bad guy.
To each side, they have their hero.
It just depends which way you look.
From my side of the looking glass,
I'm not the villain.

It's you.